Starts Monday 10/4/21

Wanna write? Without the fight?

Join the FREE 5-day Challenge 

What you don't know about your creative process 
could make it harder to write.

You can walk away from the fight, and just write.

People who can just write are few and far between. Most of us suffer - and not just for the sake of the art - but we resist and drag our feet and mope and complain and... fight. How can we stop all that and just write?


Julia Roberts offers a FREE, live 5-day challenge to help you discover where and why you resist, and how to put that aside next time you're writing. (No Fooling. This stuff works.)

What will you learn on these 

Five Free Challenge Days?

  • 1

    What keeps you from writing?

    If you've been stuck before, you know it can seem insurmountable. What keeps you from writing? We tell ourselves a story... what's yours? We say we're *too busy* *lazy*  *scared* *have to make money first.* We *procrastinate* but why? We'll look closely at our stories about why we don't write - when we know we want to.

  • 2

    Pinpoint what makes you quit or stall

    There's a simple reason you're not doing your best writing. And its secret lies in the creative process - where you excel, and where you drag your feet. Knowing this about yourself can free your from self-judgement and scorn, and free you up to write your best.

  • 3

    Feel the feels and write better

    By now, we know it's "feelings" that keep us from writing our best. And yet, once we can permit ourselves to feel the feels, and take note of their presence in our bodies, we can actually write, and write at our best. You write better when you feel better. You write your best when you've bested your negative feelings.

  • 4

    You don’t have to do it alone

     What kind of issues do you face when you try to write? Or have you given up trying? You don't have to do it alone. If you've ever sung with a chorus, you know the value of joining your voice with others'. But writing must bring forth a strong and solitary voice. How can you gain the support and caring of a group, and still see your own voice, strong and clear, on the page? Come ask and we'll answer.

  • 5

    4 Great Hacks 

    Here's the remedy, the secret sauce. I tout the science of creativity and mindset. Well, on Day 5, I will share 4 research-backed tools that will help you snap out of it, and let yourself create at your best. This is not the same as asking a friend for advice... this is expert advice catered to how YOUR creative brain works (and sometime, just doesn't.) Come get one of the insider tricks of the trade, so you can write your best work.

Who is this Julia Roberts,

Master of Creativity?

Hi, I'm Julia. I'm a writer with three books published in the world. And another 3 in the works. I was writing and then stalling. Writing than stopping. I studied creativity bec I had to. My creative process was biting me in the ass, over and over again. 


I had to figure it out.


It is painful to not write, when you clearly want to write. And I, for one discovered I could only outrun that desire for about 45 years and 45 pounds before I had to figure out a way to just write - without such a big internal fight! 


For me, that became an 8+ year journey - beginning with the publishing of my 2nd book - through coach training, creativity coaching and finally through my Masters in Science in Creative Studies. I finally got some peace, purpose and power over this problem.


I share my expertise with writers, like you. I want to empower your voice. We are the weirdos and witnesses the world needs to hear more from.


Pamela Wright

Humor Writer

"Write Without the Fight is the golden ticket"

“ I got a golden ticket!!! Thanks so much for this, Julia. 😙.” 

Kelly  Pratt

Artist, Filmmaker

"Thought-provoking insights"

“Julia is a brilliant creativity coach and never ceases to amaze me with her thought-provoking insights!!” 

Mary Miller

Stand-up comedian, performer and breast cancer activist

"A total breakthrough"

“Julia totally broke through a serious block I created around my writing, that had me frozen in my tracks.” 

Opt in for your free

5-Day Write Without the Fight Challenge!

For any and all questions or comments, email Julia Roberts

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